Are you still paying a monthly fee even though your bank now offers free checking? 即使现在的银行提供免费存储业务,你是否每月还在继续为你的户头付费呢?
Its fee of 163; 24 is for checking your application has been filled out correctly. 其24英镑的费用是为了检查您的申请是否正确填完。
About 30 percent will be invested in wireless communications including cell phones, fee collection and telecommunications; Candice: I'm checking my messages right now. I'm pretty nervous. 30%左右投在无线通讯有关领域,包括手机、收费和通讯技术;坎迪斯:我正在查看手机短讯,我蛮紧张的。
Approach to Realize Electronic Intelligence in Traffic Rule Fee Checking 浅谈交通规费电子智能化稽查方法